Election thoughts

How has Morgan Griffith represented the several economically distressed counties (as listed by the Appalachian Regional Commission) and most others that are not economically competitive? … Read the rest
How has Morgan Griffith represented the several economically distressed counties (as listed by the Appalachian Regional Commission) and most others that are not economically competitive? … Read the rest
So… the term “overeducated” has gained currency in the national discourse. I myself can never be “overeducated.”
The more that I learn, the more I … Read the rest
Does anyone else find themselves utterly humbled by the bravery of the Ukrainian defenders — and also by the Russians demonstrating against Putin’s invasion?
There … Read the rest
As a Virginia historian focused on the American political system, I have always felt it odd that persons from other locales would move to a … Read the rest
For the first time in almost a year, I attended church services for real, I guess. I am not partial to going to church online. … Read the rest
For those who have not been to Great Road on Main, especially Celtic Hall, you are missing a great place to meet friends. They serve … Read the rest
When I was offered the chance to screen a new film about Roe vs Wade, I was not sure I really wanted to watch it. … Read the rest
Many would conclude that this past 2020 election was not liberal vs conservative, but more like, good vs evil. Not that any particular voter is … Read the rest
I’ve lived on the planet for over 60 years and each one of those years has produced a variety of flu viruses. Each year there … Read the rest
The country is in the throes of a national debate as to whether the recent election was legitimate or not. We can continue to debate … Read the rest