The brilliant scheme of weaponizing the flu
I’ve lived on the planet for over 60 years and each one of those years has produced a variety of flu viruses. Each year there is a vaccine that comes out with a guess as to just what strain will be most prevalent, with the hopes of minimizing its detrimental impact on society. However, until this past year none has been weaponized as this one called covid-19.
From my research, the covid-19 virus has NEVER been isolated and even proven to exist. The flu season in the US will always come and go each year with typically 50 to 80 thousand deaths each season, with millions more that become infected and recover. This year the numbers put out by various news organizations, including Johns Hopkins (which is really controlled by Bloomberg, since he donated 1.8 billion dollars to them) have been intentionally inflated to deceive folks into thinking that covid-19 is much worse than the seasonal flu we deal with each year.
It is very telling that when covid-19 became the main news story the seasonal flu numbers abruptly stopped. Once covid-19 was announced, the CDC stopped counting flu cases!
The testing process, as many may already be aware, is also very questionable. To test positive does not mean you will come down with the virus, if the test result is even accurate and someone tested positive, it only means you at some time in your life had a cold. A coronavirus is a cold virus — and who hasn’t had a cold at some point in their lives? So, we as a society have been played, but what why???
I will provide a list here with added commentary on each of these subjects in future articles:
- Lessen downward pressure on a crumbling health-care system – most health care dollars are spent on a person once they reach retirement.
- Ezekiel Emanuel’s contention of eliminating any elderly 75 or older, to save health-care dollars for younger folks with more potential to add to the benefit of society.
- Cripple small independent businesses which are the engine of any national economy.
- To preserve big social tech monopiles – that profile and track individuals within society
- To set the stage for the big global financial reset – providing financial control over the masses.
- To further promote class and social division – rich/poor, liberal/conservative, black/white etc.
- Set the stage for election fraud.
- Divert attention from Biden laptop and criminal investigations
- Create pandemonium on an unsuspecting and uniformed general public.
- Promote a dictatorial radical left agenda, leading to an elite new world order.
- To create a general sense of fear of one another.
- Upset the normal routine especially of the young, leading to psychological issues and manipulated dependence.
- The mainline news media corrupted with a specific agenda to promote an elitist world domination.
- The documented statements to reduce world population to 500 million as recorded on the Georgia guide stones.
These are just the top 10 reasons for weaponizing the seasonal flu. If we go along with this diabolical scheme, we as a country are in big trouble, we will never recover or enjoy the freedoms fought and died for.
To be continued….
–Blue Ridge Pundit
December 8, 2020 @ 11:00 am
We are in a strange place. What passes for news on the mainstream media is largely homogenized fluff, propaganda to match the globalist agenda. Meanwhile, the true news and opinions are labeled by the meda as incorrect or false. This is done usually by those who are “willingly ignorant”. If a certain comment doesn’t fall in line with the narrative of the mainstream, they simply declare, “oh this must be incorrect or false content.” Calling something false doesn’t make it so. Truth will ultimately prevail!
To be willingly ignorant, means an individual turns away from evidence on purpose. But simply ignoring evidence doesn’t make it go away!! This is what we’ve been witnessing since Nov 3. The mountain of fraud evidence in the recent election is quite startling. It’s been going on for decades now, but this particular election was overtly horrific. Hopefully, all the fraudulent ballots cast will be thrown out, that would be the only right thing to do.
December 4, 2020 @ 10:37 am
Very provocative thoughts. It would almost meet the “conspiracy” level from anyone who reads, watches or listens to the MSM. I cut the cable, etc, long ago and judging from the recent events associated with the presidential election we are in trouble as a country. I happen to share your opinion on the present situation and look forward to future publications.
December 3, 2020 @ 8:43 pm
This posting should be flagged for its false and incorrect content.
Unfortunately his followers will let down their defenses and add to the COVID19 death toll.
March 22, 2021 @ 3:42 pm
Please sir explain who should be the judge? Those such as yourself? Those renaming a syrup and removing untold wealth from the black family of matriarch Nancy Green? Mabey you prefer those who dislike Mr. Potato head, and Dr. Seuss? How about those; in spite of biological fact; who now promote the end of gender, so you can “identify” as anything you want, as long as the those such as yourself “agree” with it? Please sir explain to us lowly folk who decides these things in your utopia, and what if they say something you don’t agree with? Who censors the censors?