Talkin’ about my generation

Talkin' about my generation 2
Recently, I saw a Facebook post that one of my older family members shared on their page that said, “There is no job shortage. What we have is A LAZY GENERATION!”

So, I wanted to clear some things up for everyone who agrees with that post…

If you think my generation is “lazy”, take another look. Sure, there are plenty of job opportunities right now, but not one of them will pay me enough to afford even a studio apartment. Why would I choose to work a job that destroys my body and mental health, meanwhile refusing to pay me enough to afford rent, bills, and food?

Most of the people who have one of the many jobs you speak of can’t afford to eat if they live on their own. On top of that, my generation can forget saving. We are not living on these wages- we are barely surviving, just so people like you can tell us we’re lazy.

A lot of the people in my generation can’t afford to go to school, either. Even if they’re one of the “lucky” ones that can go to college, they still have to work- the cycle repeats. Most of the people I know that finish school STILL aren’t being paid enough working jobs that they basically paid to work at.

Another thing I’d like to mention is the glaring fact that employers are often horrible to their employees. We are not allowed to be sick. We can’t have bad days. We have to call out weeks in advance for things like surgery or funerals. It’s like we have to “plan” emergencies. Then, we’re expected to smile and work the next day as if nothing happened- if we don’t get fired for simply calling out.

Not only that, but you can’t even get hired without experience that can take years worth of learning and expenses- just so they can turn around and say it’s still not enough and refuse to hire you anyways.

The generation that’s calling my generation lazy could buy a house, eat, pay bills, have kids, go on vacation, and actually LIVE all on ONE income. To top it off, half of y’all didn’t even have to go to school to gain riches beyond my belief.

Then, of course, there’s the government actively trying to kill us all. Money hungry criminals forcing people to fight wars over oil. They fund global genocides. They poison our food. They lie, making us believe we have a choice. Then, they push a button and BOOM the children are dead.

America is not the land of the free. It’s the land of the homeless, the suffering, and the unhealthy. The system has always been broken. This country is built for the rich, and everyone else can go die so they can keep pushing buttons.

My generation is NOT lazy. My generation has standards. My generation is the revolution you were to scared, ignorant, or well-off to be. My generation does nothing but fight to survive in the world you created.

So, before you go insulting us, maybe you should take a look at the blood on your hands and ask yourself if it was worth it.

I don’t think it is.


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