StepStone Wrapped in Love Drive
With cold temperatures arriving and winter in full swing, StepStone Family & Youth Services of Virginia is hosting its annual “Wrapped in Love” winter blanket drive to provide warmth and comfort to foster youth in need. StepStone will be accepting donations of new and gently used blankets from January 27, 2025 through February 14, 2025, at locations across the state.
“At StepStone Family & Youth Services, our mission is to help Virginia’s foster youth feel safe and loved, while connecting them to nurturing families,” said Sandra Bermudez, manager of foster parent recruitment at StepStone Family & Youth Services. “A simple blanket can give our foster children and teens the sense of belonging and comfort they need as they navigate the foster care system. We invite our community to wrap them in love this winter season and join us in donating blankets to the foster youth we serve.”
StepStone Family & Youth Services helps connect children in need with foster families who can provide comforting, nurturing homes. The organization has been serving Virginia for more than 45 years and provides foster care services, counseling, respite care, training for foster parents and youth residential services. StepStone is always looking for new foster families to help children in Virginia communities who need safe, caring living environments.
StepStone Family & Youth Services has operations in nine states and is organizing blanket drives at all its locations this winter.
Blanket drop off locations:
StepStone – Christiansburg
207 West Main St. Suite 6B
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Mon-Fri: 9 am-5pm
MFRL Christiansburg Library
125 Sheltman Street
Christiansburg, VA 24073
For a list of donation drop-off locations, please visit