DMV Shares Safety Refresher

DMV Shares Safety Refresher 4As we head into the holiday season, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reminds Virginians to buckle up to arrive alive. From November 19-30, law enforcement will bring added awareness to the push to save lives with seat belts with the annual Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign.

“The good news is that fewer people who weren’t wearing a seat belt were killed in crashes so far this year, but we can’t become complacent,” said DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey, the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative. “Buckling up is the easiest and most effective thing you can do to protect yourself and others while driving. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that it can reduce your chances of dying in a crash by up to 55%. You just have to create the habit. As soon as you get in a car, take those extra three seconds to buckle up securely. Before you know it, buckling will be second nature.”

So far this year, fatalities among drivers and passengers who were not buckled up are down 12% from this same time last year (281 in 2023 vs. 319 in 2022). Of the fatalities so far this year, 20% were individuals in their 20s and 73% were male. To help prevent fatalities and serious injuries, DMV is sharing a seat belt safety refresher to start your holiday journeys safely.

  • Kids First – Ensure children are buckled securely into the correct safety seat for their age and size. Find more details on finding the right seat and secure buckling on our website.
  • Click It – Fasten your seat belt over your shoulder and hips and ensure you hear the “click”.
  • Adjust – Once buckled, make sure that your belt is tight across your hips and chest. Wearing your seat belt incorrectly (behind your back or under your arm) can cause serious internal injuries in a crash.
  • Keep It On – Even when caught in traffic or waiting in line at a drive-through, keep your seat belt fastened. Crashes can happen anywhere, and your seat belt is your first defense.
  • Every Time – Whether you are in the front or back seat, driving for hours or only minutes, always buckle up.

The simple act of buckling up can save a life. DMV encourages Virginians to buckle up and remind loved ones to do the same. For more information on seat belt safety, visit our newly revamped website,

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