6/22: Springhouse Rock

6/22: Springhouse RockSpringhouse is hosting a community event that will spark creativity and community connection: Springhouse Rock!  This Saturday, June 22nd, three regional bands will bring their energy and rockin’ vibes in support of Springhouse; Her Majesty of Floyd and Roanoke, The Kind of the New River Valley, and NAYAN of the D.C. area. The concert is from 6 to 9 PM in Warren G. Lineberry park in downtown Floyd and is a family-friendly event open to all with no admission fee.  Springhouse events are known to inspire creativity, vitality, and care for the community. Springhouse ROCK! will also include creative activities for people of all ages, such as printing and an outdoor immersive art experience.

Carolyn Reilly, Springhouse’s Development Director, shares, “At Springhouse, we love exploring imaginative ways to bring community together and we know our region loves music. As we are celebrating 10 years of intergenerational vitality-centered learning this year, we found a trifecta combination in organizing an event that brings together a Springhouse alum’s band (Felix Byler with Her Majesty), a Springhouse community internship facilitator (Tom Snediker with The Kind), and an Education Re-Imagined director (Nayan Buhla with his band, NAYAN). We’re super excited and grateful for these bands joining together in offering their talent in support of our biggest fundraiser of the year.”

Springhouse is committed to their vision of a world where all life thrives. Springhouse works towards their vision by fundamentally transforming the purpose and practice of education through their intergenerational school where  no one is turned away for a lack of funds. As participants in the Community Foundation of the New River Valley (CFNRV) yearly giving day event, Give Local, Springhouse is a regional trailblazer in the realm of fundraising. With a goal to raise $125,000 by June 27th, Springhouse is steadily approaching it having raised nearly $60,000 as of Monday, June 17th.

Lindsey Gleason, Assistant Director of CFNRV, states, “Year after year, Springhouse does an amazing job with peer-to-peer fundraising. Having numerous supporters who share their passion and fundraise on behalf of an organization is a great testament to Springhouse’s work in the community and beyond.”

Learn more about Springhouse at springhouse.org.

WHAT: Springhouse ROCK! (event link bit.ly/SpringhouseRock + Facebook event link)

WHEN: Saturday, June, 22, 2024, 6 to 9PM)

WHERE: Warren G. Lineberry Park, Downtown Floyd

More about the bands:

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Her Majesty is a dynamic rock trio with influences of iconic bands like The Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, and The White Stripes. Their electrifying fusion of rock, grunge, and punk elements ignites a sonic explosion that audiences crave. With infectious melodies and meaningful lyrics, each track becomes an irresistible anthem. Lead singer, Felix Byler, is a Springhouse alum who remains actively engaged with Springhouse in a variety of ways, including designing and creating in Sourced Press, Springhouse’s print shop.

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NAYAN band leader Nayan Bhula can’t shake Rock N Roll. Hearing those first few notes of “Dazed and Confused” as a middle schooler led to a three decade plus spiral. Bhula started with post-punk outfit GIST who released 3 full length albums and toured up and down the East Coast & Canada. This transformed to a decade with the 8-piece orchestrated indie-folk-rock ensemble The NRIs, who released five EPs. Along the way, he’s shared bills with Rilo Kiley, Lungfish, Moneen, Travis Morrison (Dismemberment Plan), Juliana Hatfield, Laura Stevenson, Biz Markie, Khaira Arby, to name a few.  NAYAN, the band, leans on Buhla’s post-punk, indie rock roots, and adds some synths. Taking inspiration from DC punk, an unwavering devotion to classic rock n roll, and the 80s New Wave he grew up on.

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The Kind is a Blacksburg based folk-rock band that formed in 1986. The Kind plays in a variety of styles that ranges from classic rock, R&B, and jazz to bluegrass and country; however, the arena in which they most frequently blend their diverse influences is their huge melting pot of Grateful Dead covers. Over the years, The Kind has been privileged to perform with the likes of Jorma Kaukonen (Jefferson Airplane & Hot Tuna), Rick Danko (The Band), Merle Saunders (The Jerry Garcia Band), The New Riders of the Purple Sage, and Jefferson Airplane.

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