1/15: Celebrate Dr. King

1/15: Celebrate Dr. King 4We will celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King, Jr. on Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 3 pm via Zoom. Our guest speaker will be our very own, Elder Marlin Reeves! Elder Reeves is our MRF NAACP Member At large Executive member for his second term and subscribing Silver Life member. He serves as Assistant Pastor of New Beginnings Church, Pulaski, Virginia. He is also Vice President NRV and Roanoke Markets of the Freedom First Credit Union. Please join us to hear his message reflecting on the life and teachings of Dr. King.

Our program will include installation of our new 2023 officers by State NAACP President, Mr. Robert Barnette, presentations, poetry and music by MRF NAACP Youth Council and announcement of our two 2023 Branch Awardees of the MRF NAACP/Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Awards.

Please register below and join us today! Program participants will receive a special link to follow. ~ Debbie

Link to Register for Program: https://mrfnaacp.com/MLKCelebration2023

ACTBlue Link for Samuel H. Clark Memorial Scholarship Donations: Donations may also be mailed to our Branch.

Membership Link -Become a member of our Branch of the NAACP by visiting https://naacp.org/join-naacp/become-member. Once you input your Name and Address, please choose Branch #7092. When you receive your confirmation, please share it with us at info@mrfnaacp.org. You may also become a member
($30 regular annual/$75 Silver Life Subscribing) by mailing your membership to
Montgomery County-Radford City-Floyd County Branch NAACP
PO Box 6044
Christiansburg, Virginia 24068

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