Veterans Day 2023

Veterans Day 2023 4BLACKSBURG: In observance of Veterans Day, the following operating schedules will be in place on Friday, November 10:

All town administrative offices will be closed.
The Blacksburg Aquatic Center and Blacksburg Community Center will be open.
Blacksburg Transit will operate on full service, but BT administrative offices will be closed.
Trash pickup will not be affected.

Corps of Cadets rifle salute during Veterans Day Practice and Ceremony: November 9 and 10 

On Thursday, November 9, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets will practice for a Veterans Day remembrance ceremony. During practice, the Gregory Guard, the corps’ precision rifle drill team, will fire a rifle salute between 10:35am and 11:00am. 

On Friday, November 10 at 10:30am, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets will honor Veterans Day and the service of our nation’s military during a remembrance ceremony held at the War Memorial Chapel.

During the ceremony, a memorial wreath will be placed in front of the cenotaph on War Memorial Court at approximately 11:00am. Cadets will also fire a rifle salute, and a bugler will play taps. This event is open to the public. 


Town Hall and the Aquatic Center will be closed on Friday, Nov. 10.

The Recreation Center will be open, but administrative offices will be closed.

Solid waste and recycling normally collected on Fridays will be collected on Monday, Nov. 13, with Monday’s regular collection.

DUBLIN: New River Community College Veterans Office will host a Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 10 at 11 a.m.  The event will be held on NRCC’s campus in Dublin in Edwards Hall, Room 117.

The program will include presentation of the colors and retiring of the flags by Pulaski VFW Post 1184 led by Captain Steve Wallen.  Music will be provided by the Radford High School Chamber Ensemble under the direction of Darren Goad.  Ryan Adams, NRCC veterans and dependents student services advisor and U.S. Army veteran; Barry Cox, NRCC industry training coordinator and U.S. Navy retiree; and Dr. Pat Huber, NRCC President, will represent the college during the ceremony.
Dr. Peter Anderson, NRCC vice president of instruction and student services and former U.S. Army Ranger and a war veteran, will serve aa the keynote speaker. Anderson earned a doctorate from Old Dominion University, a master’s degree from Radford University, a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Tech, and an associate degree from NRCC. Anderson is an 82nd Airborne Division “Operation Desert Storm” combat veteran.

The ceremony is free and open to NRCC students, faculty, staff and the public.  A reception with light refreshments will follow the ceremony.

For more information call the NRCC Veterans Office at (540)674-3693 or email

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