Maxwell, Linda Maxey

Maxwell, Linda Maxey 7

Maxwell, Linda Maxey 8Linda Maxey Maxwell wasn’t your typical Southern woman. She avoided the kitchen at all costs, entering only to grab a diet Dr. Pepper, she hated shopping and liked to wear cheetah print and plaid at the same time.

Though she didn’t teach us how to bake a loaf of bread or pumpkin pie (preferring to buy directly from Country Kitchen), she taught us to be true to ourselves, never let anyone hold us back and to hold on tight to the people we love.

Tasked with describing her legacy in her own words, she wrote, “Everyone who knows me can tell you that family has always been the thing that gives me the greatest joys of my life.”

She passed away at her home in Christiansburg on December 17, 2023. She is survived by her husband of 46 wonderful years, David Maxwell; her sister, Anne Swain; her three children, Sean Whittemore (Amy Hunter), Tammy Reed (Jeff), and Lacy Bush (Kevin); and her seven grandchildren, Caleb, Tanner, Erika, Seth, Micah, Karly and Max. She was 73.

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