Griffith Statement on Russian Oil Import Ban

Griffith Statement on Russian Oil Import Ban 2Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement after President Biden reportedly decided to ban imports of Russian oil:

“A ban on Russian oil imports is an important measure to cut off funding for Russian military aggression. I have been part of the bipartisan call to take this action, and I am glad that President Biden has finally followed our lead.

“The ban on Russian oil is necessary but not sufficient. We should not turn from one dictatorship to others to keep the lights on in our country, but the Biden Administration wants to do precisely that by negotiating energy deals with Iran and Venezuela. To help make up for the lost imports and prevent our country from being held hostage to the whims of foreign dictators, we need to unleash American energy dominance.

“Mr. President, open up domestic coal, oil, and natural gas production. Our citizens and freedom-loving people around the globe will benefit from affordable, reliable American energy.”

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