Grants to Reduce Homelessness

Grants to Reduce Homelessness 4Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced $12 million in the Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grants for 55 projects across the Commonwealth. The funding will advance targeted efforts to reduce homelessness with 2,177 individuals and families.

“In the pursuit of sustainable economic growth and a thriving business landscape, it is imperative that we develop responsive housing solutions,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “This funding not only safeguards our most vulnerable citizens, but also addresses the changing housing needs of all Virginians.”

The Virginia Housing Trust Fund is funded by the Commonwealth, and the grants announced today represent 20% of this fiscal year’s fund investment. The remaining funds support the production of new or rehabilitated housing units through the Affordable and Special Needs Housing Program.

“Housing stands as the cornerstone for fostering lively communities and robust local economies,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “This funding round prioritizes innovative approaches, like rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing, to effectively combat homelessness, ensuring that every at-risk Virginian receives the support they need to make homeless rare, brief and one-time.”

The goal of the Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grant Program is to reduce homelessness throughout Virginia. The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) supports Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC) local planning group strategies and homeless service projects that are a part of an effective emergency crisis response system in communities. The Homeless Reduction Grant program must be coordinated with other community-based activities, and grantees use a local centralized or coordinated assessment/entry system, which is the best practice for a housing-focused approach for helping households experiencing homelessness quickly regain stability in permanent housing.

“Making sure every Virginian has a place to call home is critical, and this round of grant funding will continue the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce homelessness,” said Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Director, Bryan Horn. “These projects will assist our most vulnerable residents by removing barriers and providing services to support them as they regain housing stability.”

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Grant awardees listed here

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