Giles Road Paving: November 11

Giles Road Paving: November 11

Beginning Monday, November 11 at 7:00am, Adams Construction will start road-resurfacing work that includes the milling of the existing surface, and new asphalt surface paving.
This work will take place along and adjacent to Giles Road SW, from Patrick Henry Drive to North Main Street. Adjacent streets will include:

Work will be conducted between the hours of 7am and 7pm and is expected to take a total of three weeks, concluding on Friday, November 22, weather permitting.

During operations:

  • Vehicular and pedestrian access in the above work areas will be maintained.
  • A one-lane flagger or pilot car operation will be employed.
  • Delays of 5-15 minutes should be expected; citizens are encouraged to seek alternate routes.
  • On-street parking will be intermittently closed; alternate parking should be utilized.
  • Citizens are asked to be mindful of traffic flaggers, workers, and large machinery in the area.
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