Election Heroes Recognized

Election Heroes Recognized 1
Elizabeth Obenshain (left) League of Women Voters, Montgomery County director, presents edible treats to Connie Viars, Montgomery County Registrar to share with all the staff members.

Thank Election Heroes Day, April 12, is a national celebration to honor all those who keep voting safe, accurate, and encourage all to vote.

Deborah Travis, Christiansburg, co-president of the Montgomery County League, noted that Virginia too, is in the midst of many changes in the election procedures. Last year, the health recommendations permitted changes such as more precincts to avoid crowed areas, to make it safer to vote. Now, the election system is still considering what part of the changes might remain.

“The Montgomery County registrar and all the staff are working to keep voting available and follow the changes coming from the statewide policy leaders and government officials,” Travis said.

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