ABWA Officer Installation

ABWA Officers
From left: Kristina Rose, VP of Programming; Terri Welch and Page Godwin, Co-VP’s of Membership; Teresa Echols, President; Christine Smith, President Elect; Susan Brickhouse, VP of Communications; and Jennifer Kennelly, VP of Public Relations and Marketing.

New River Valley Express Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association installed their new slate of officers for the 2022-2023 year in Christiansburg, VA

The American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) New River Valley Express Chapter announced the slate of officers during their monthly luncheon at the Holiday Inn Christiansburg Blacksburg on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.

Serving this year: Kristina Rose, VP of Programming; Terri Welch and Page Godwin, Co-VP’s of Membership; Teresa Echols, President; Christine Smith, President Elect; Susan Brickhouse, VP of Communications; and Jennifer Kennelly, VP of Public Relations and Marketing.

To find out more about the New River Valley Express chapter of the ABWA, please visit our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ABWANRVExpress.

–Submitted by Jennifer Kennelly, VP-Public Relations and Marketing, New River Valley Express Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association

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