Abandoned Mine Revitalization Grants

Abandoned Mine Revitalization Grants 7Governor Youngkin and Congressman Griffith announced five economic development projects selected for Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) grant approval. The program is administered by the Virginia Department of Energy (Virginia Energy) and funded by the federal U.S. Department of Treasury. Each project is located on sites where coal was mined before 1977 and include safety and environmental improvements to the Southwest Virginia communities where they are located.

“Repurposing land to create jobs and grow communities is a wonderful benefit of the AMLER program and we are excited to see these developments create opportunities in our Southwest communities,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “These innovative projects advance Virginia’s standing as a great place to do business and raise a family.”

“The AMLER Program, federal funding I championed, provides our communities in Southwest Virginia with opportunities to reuse old mine lands for new and exciting purposes. AMLER projects have contributed to job creation, economic growth and environmental renewal in the coalfields, improving the quality of life for residents in the surrounding areas,” said Congressman Griffith.

Recommended projects include:
Abandoned Mine Revitalization Grants 8
“We are already celebrating success through projects that have been created through this program,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “AMLER supports significant site development in these coalfield communities which creates a successful path toward a more robust economy.”

“The AMLER program meets the top three priorities of Virginia Energy: safety, positive environmental impact and good economic development,” said Virginia Energy Director Glenn Davis. “Industrial, clean energy and community developments made through this program over the last six years have supported 415 jobs.”

Virginia received the federal grant dollars funding AMLER to develop Abandoned Mine Land (AML) sites beginning in 2017. Over 40 projects have been recommended for funding since the program began. Virginia Energy oversees the grant which comes from the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement (OSMRE). The OSMRE has final approval over recommended projects which are proposed on land that includes features associated with coal mining that occurred before 1977. The Commonwealth is one of six states chosen to receive the funding. Visit the Virginia Energy website for more information on all AML programs.

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