Christiansburg Elementary School PTA Update

Christiansburg Elementary School PTA Update 7Christiansburg Elementary School PTA is having our annual PTA membership drive. Membership is $5. The QR code below will take you to our PTA store. We are selling Coyote Spirit Wear on our PTA website as well.

Christiansburg Elementary School PTA Update 8We will have a fall festival, with animals, a costume contest, balloon artist, a bring-you-carved-pumpkin contest, food, games, music and more on October 29th from 1-4pm at Christiansburg Elementary School. All community members are welcome. There will be a small entry cost, and PTA members will have a discounted entry fee.

PTA board members will be on hand at CES Open House events September 6-7-8th 5:30-6:30 at Christiansburg Elementary. We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out on our Facebook group page: Christiansburg Elementary School PTA

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