8/12: Mt. Tabor Ruritan Fish Fry

8/12: Mt. Tabor Ruritan Fish Fry 4FISH FRY: Mount Tabor Ruritan Club will hold its August Fish Fry on Saturday, August 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Slusser’s Chapel Picnic Shelter, 1543 Mount Tabor Rd, Blacksburg. Serving fish, fries and slaw; homemade desserts; and beverages. Adults-$12, children under 12-$6, (under 3)-free, carry-outs-$12. This month we will be entertained by The Panjammers Steel Drum Orchestra. The fish fry is a fundraiser for the Ruritan Club’s community service projects and scholarships. Held rain or shine. Call or text 540-449-6178 for further information. On Facebook at MtTaborRuritan

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