4/6: Riner Spring Craft Show

Make plans to join the Riner Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and their 6th Annual Spring Craft and Direct Sales Show on April 6th at Auburn High School, the show is open to the public from 9 – 2.
4/6: Riner Spring Craft Show 2

This is the biggest show ever with over 100 vendors taking about 120 spaces. Both gyms and the cafeteria are packed with something for everyone. We have one vendor outside and two food trucks for everyone to enjoy. The Purple Moon Café will be there providing coffee, tea, hot chocolate, other drinks plus all the specialty drinks you can imagine starting around 7:30. Hillbilly Hodges BBQ Wagon will start serving lunch around 10:30 including BBQ, baked potatoes and nachos with or without BBQ and his famous fried bologna sandwich. This will be a show you will want to spend some time. Cash and checks are the best for vendors since it is sometimes hard to get signals inside the school.

Please come out and support your local vendors who have worked hard to make this a great show.

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