Two Suspects Indicted for Inmate Deaths

Two Suspects Indicted for Inmate Deaths 4Two suspects connected with separate inmate deaths inside Virginia Department of Corrections facilities have been indicted.

Thirty-four year old Justin Crenshaw was indicted on aggravated murder and strangulation charges for the death of Gregory Pierce, 47, at Wallens Ridge State Prison on November 20, 2021. Pierce was serving multiple life sentences for sex crimes, including rape.

Separately, William Pettigrew, 38, was indicted on the same charges in the January 4, 2022, death of 37-year-old Anwar Phillips at Red Onion State Prison. Anwar Phillips was a prisoner at Red Onion State Prison who was found dead in his solitary confinement cell under very suspicious circumstances in January.

Crenshaw and Pettigrew were indicted on September 21, 2022.

Arraignment dates for Crenshaw and Pettigrew have not been scheduled.

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