Re-opening of Beliveau Farm GF Brewery

Re-opening of Beliveau Farm GF Brewery 4In honor of our Brewery Re-opening Weekend coming up, we must acknowledge our head brewer, John Hildreth. Not only is he our head brewer, but he also is a teacher and a working musician. John resides in Giles Co, Virginia, with his wife. He first began his brewing beer journey with a few friends in the early 2000s as a hobby. In 2016, his wife was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. This diagnosis did not halt his passion for brewing beer; it motivated him to create a beer they both could enjoy. Hildreth began seeking other grains that were gluten-free that would taste just as good as if brewed with barley or malt. After a fair amount of trial and error, he developed a few prototypes with buckwheat, malted rice, and millet. In December of 2018, we announced our plans to open a brewery with the possibility of featuring gluten-free beers. John gave samples of his home-brew to our owners, Yvan and Joyce, which they loved! September the following year, we opened our gluten-free brewery.

The grains in Gluten-free beer must be absent of any gluten. We steer away from using barley, wheat, oats, corn, and rye in our beers as they contain gluten. Instead, John brews our beers with ancient grains. Those include millet, buckwheat, and rice. Ancient grains are a category of pseudocereals and grains. These grains are extremely rich in high proteins, fibers, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats. It is imperative to our company that we only brew gluten-free beers in our brewery. We strive for no cross-contamination in our beers, ever. We have a few staple beers on draft like our Blonde Ale, Brown Ale, and IPA. However, we just released our late winter seasonal Maple Ale, which we brew with biscuit, caramel, and Vienna malts. The maple flavor and aromas are created by adding our homemade maple syrup. This addition of the syrup happens after the fermentation process and cold conditioning to give the beer a rich flavor and color. John hones his craft to perfect our brews and produces delicious beers for everyone to enjoy, not just celiac or gluten-intolerant individuals.

Whether you are a wine or beer lover, we have something for everyone. We will feature live music, beer and cheese tastings, gluten-free food specials, beer flights, and new merchandise. Find your happy place at Beliveau Farm. Come down to Beliveau Farm from March 17th through March 20th for the Re-opening to see what we have on tap. Our hours are from 12 pm – 6 pm Wednesday through Sunday.

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