Radford Police Department Community Survey

Radford Police Department Community Survey 4The Radford City Police Department partnered with a Radford University Criminal Justice class to create a community survey. Residents are invited to participate in the survey of policing and safety in the City of Radford. Participation is completely voluntary, but encouraged among all residents. The survey should take less than 30 minutes to complete and there are no foreseeable risks or benefits to you for participating in this survey.

The survey asks for opinions about the Radford City Police Department, and about crime and safety in neighborhoods. Understanding community views of the police is important for developing appropriate law enforcement and social service responses to problems in the City of Radford, and for improving police community relations. All answers are anonymous and no individual responses will be identified in any reports produced from the survey.

Chief Dodson said, “Across the country recently, we have seen many communities suffering from the erosion of trust between the community and their police agencies. Maintaining a high level of trust with our community requires that we listen and then be responsive to their concerns. This community survey allows our agency to better understand those needs and develop appropriate responses in addressing these concerns. Our goal is to ensure that we are delivering the most professional and highest quality of law enforcement service to our community here in Radford.”

Radford City utility customers will receive a letter in their utility bill this month explaining the survey and where it can be found. The survey will be available on the following platforms and locations and runs from May 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021.

The Radford City Webpage: www.radfordva.gov
Radford City Government Facebook Page
Radford City Police Department Facebook Page

Paper copies will be available for pick up at the following locations:
Radford City Police Department: 20 Robertson Street, Radford, Virginia
Radford University Police Department

For any questions concerning the survey and accessibility, please email policeinfo@radfordva.gov

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