Police Investigating Recent Burglaries

Police Investigating Recent Burglaries 4Blacksburg Police continue to investigate reported burglaries in the Town of Blacksburg. These cases have been a priority for the department since initial reporting of these crimes. Please remain vigilant and report anything that appears suspicious, every call and any information reported is taken serious. More police resources continue to be reallocated to assist in the investigation.

This is a time to come together as a community and care for the safety and security of all our citizens. As we do with all investigations, the Blacksburg Police Department will provide the community with any new updates or safety concerns involving the investigation. The community is again, cautioned not to draw conclusions on any crime based on unofficial sources of information, including social media.

If you have any information about these crimes please contact the Blacksburg Police Department at (540) 443-1400 or you can remain anonymous by calling the Blacksburg Police Tip Line at (540) 961-1819 or emailing CIU@blacksburg.gov.

Blacksburg Police would like to remind everyone to lock their doors and windows of their residences; and to also secure their vehicles while not in use. If you observe any suspicious activity at any time please report it to the Police by dialing 911 or calling the New River Valley Communications Center at (540) 382-4343.


The Blacksburg Police Department wants you and your property to stay safe. The below suggestions will help you stay while at home and while out in town.

o Go with Friends, Stay with Friends, and Leave with Friends
o Remember to lock all doors and windows even when at your residence
o Use a security bar on patio slider doors
o Keep blinds and curtains closed
o Place valuable or expensive items out of plain sight
o Leave a light on inside your residence
o Lock vehicle doors at all times
o Always trust your instincts! If you feel unsafe or in danger seek help!
o Be alert to any suspicious activity/ person around your home and parking lots
o Don’t put personal information (address, full name, phone numbers) on social media

If you are a victim of a crime or observe any suspicious activity, call the Blacksburg Police Department immediately.

Blacksburg Police Department
200 Clay St SW
(540) 443-1400
Tip Email: CIU@Blacksburg.gov

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