Lean Six Sigma training offered online

Lean Six Sigma training offered online 2New River Community College has two upcoming online Lean Six Sigma training sessions that can help businesses reduce costs and increase productivity.

NRCC, in partnership with the Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC), is offering training in Six Sigma Yellow Belt beginning on January 14 and Six Sigma Green Belt beginning February 23.

Yellow Belt is an eight-week course for entry-level employees seeking to improve their role in the company by using the concepts and methodologies of Six Sigma. The train-and-do process uses classroom activities, combining lecture and simulation exercises.

According to American Society for Quality, one corporation reported $1.6 million in savings within the first year of implementing a Six Sigma initiative.

The training is held virtually on Thursdays, beginning January 14, from 8 a.m. to noon (Class ID #18990). The regular price for the program is $1,200; but, with special state funding the discounted price is $400. Additional financial assistance may also be available.

Green Belt is a 14-week course that presents the ASQ Lean Six Sigma Green Belt body of knowledge that includes a project simulation taking participants through the define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) process improvement methodology. Participants interested in Green Belt certification are required to have three years of industry experience.

Each Green Belt participant will be required to have a job-related and sponsor-approved project which should be selected prior to the start of the class. The course agenda is intended to teach the Six Sigma body of knowledge while leading participants through completion of their individual projects. MTC instructors will provide weekly support to mentor and coach participants through the completion of projects.

The training will be held virtually on Tuesdays, beginning February 23, from 8 a.m. to noon (Class ID #18988). The regular price for the program is $2,400, but with special state funding, the discounted price is $800. Additional financial assistance may also be available.

These courses are two of 10 NRCC FastForward programs that provide affordable and short-term training through the Office of Workforce Development.

To register, visit www.nr.edu/workforce, Classes & Programs, Non-Credit Course Offerings and search with the class ID number; call 540-674-3613 or email WFDtraining@nr.edu.

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