Land Withdrawal Request

Land Withdrawal Request 2AFD22-0001 Request to withdraw 40.34 acres from the Agricultural and Forestal District (AFD) at 1900 Toms Creek Road (Tax Map Number: 195- A 5; Parcel ID: 006160) for the Berewick PRD (ORD 1941) by Jim Lucas of Lucas TCR LLC (property owner)

The Town of Blacksburg Department of Planning and Building has received a request for withdrawal of approximately 40.34 acres of land from the Agricultural and Forestal District. The parcel is located at 1900 Toms Creek Road, near the intersection of Redbud Road and Toms Creek Road. The land was rezoned to Planned Residential (PR) for the Berewick Planned Residential Development under Ordinance 1941 in 2021. The development proposed is a 76 lot single-family subdivision. More information about the request and the application can be found on the Town’s website

The following meetings have been scheduled to review the withdrawal request:

AFD Committee Meeting: Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 3:00 pm in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers on the second floor in the Municipal Building at 300 South Main Street. This meeting will convene the standing Agricultural and Forestal District Committee to review the application. The recommendation of the committee will be referred to the Planning Commission and Town Council. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment during this meeting.

Planning Commission Work Session: Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 5:00 pm in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers on the second floor in the Municipal Building at 300 South Main Street. The Planning Commission will hold a work session to review the AFD Committee’s recommendation, and to receive the analysis from staff. This meeting is open to the public, but there is not an opportunity for the public to speak.

Planning Commission Public Hearing: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers on the second floor in the Municipal Building at 300 South Main Street. The Planning Commission will review the staff analysis, hear any public comment, and make a recommendation to the Town Council. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on the application.

Town Council Public Hearing: The Town Council Public Hearing will be scheduled following the recommendation of the Planning Commission. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on the application.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact Matthew Sampa, Planner I (email at (540) 443-1300, for further information regarding the process.

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