Field of Honor Closing Ceremony

Field of Honor Closing Ceremony
Field of Honor display. Image courtesy Waggaman Photography.

Radford Noon Rotary and Glencoe Mansion will host a closing ceremony of the “Field of Honor” at Glencoe Mansion on Wednesday, September 11, at 5 pm. The theme of the ceremony is, “Making the City Come Alive: Honoring Our Heroes,” and will recognize both the military and first responders. The event will mark the end of the second year of the “Field of Honor” that has been on display since May.

The evening will begin at 5 pm with an opening of bagpipe music provided by musician Andrew Meeks. The official ceremony follows at 5:30 and will include remarks from multiple members of the community, including Radford Mayor David Horton, City Council Member Jessie Foster, Rev. Dr. Gina Rhea of Unity Christian Church, as well as remarks from the leadership of the Radford Noon Rotary and Glencoe Mansion. The ceremony will be followed by a reception on the museum grounds until 7 pm.

The Radford Noon Rotary is a volunteer organization dedicated to advancing Radford through good deeds. The Field of Honor is comprised of 174 flags sponsored by individuals and businesses of the community, and the proceeds benefit multiple organizations. Some of the organizations include: Radford University Scholarships for Students from Radford High School, Vittles for Vets, Elf Shelf, the Women’s Resource Center, Beans and Rice, Radford-Fairlawn Daily Bread, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, and Glencoe Mansion.

Radford Noon Rotary President Tom Alston says, “The Field of Honor has been a great success and has grown since its first year. We’re looking forward to increasing the number of flags honoring heroes, by expanding recognition to those who serve and have served in the military and as well as first responders.” The closing date of September 11 was chosen for its significance as the anniversary of the 2001 attacks on the United States and when the country came together to overcome tragedy.

The ceremony and reception are open to the public, and there is no admission charge. The Radford Noon Rotary and Glencoe Mansion invite all flag sponsors, those who have served in the military or as first responders, and those whose lives have been affected by these heroes to attend this special event.

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