Façade Grant Program

Façade Grant Program
Now accepting fifth round of façade grant applications.

In 2019, the Town of Christiansburg created a new program aimed at helping property or business owners improve their building façades and encourage investment in our historic central business areas. The Façade Grant Program, the first of its kind in the Town of Christiansburg, completed its first round in 2020, and was designed to improve the streetscape and strengthen partnerships with Downtown and Cambria stakeholders as well as encourage revitalization of older commercial buildings.  However, for the first time ever, this program will not be limited by specific areas and instead will be offered to all of Christiansburg.

Mission Statement

The Façade Grant Program aims to help business owners, with the consent of property owners, improve their building façades and encourage investment in our business areas. It is designed to enhance the streetscape, strengthen partnerships with stakeholders and encourage revitalization of older buildings. Furthermore, the intent of the program is to assist for-profit businesses in growing the tax base within the Town.

How does it work?

Between September 01, 2024, and September 30, 2024, eligible businesses can apply for up to $5,000 matching grant through the Town. The application can be found here.

A selection committee appointed by Town Council will review the applications and select finalists to receive the grant awards. Town Council will make the final approval of grant recipients. All applicants are asked to submit a sketch. Finalists proposing designs that require artist’s rendering will be invited to collaborate with a local artist selected by the Town to draft a design concept. Once the artist’s rendering, or sketch, is approved by the selection committee, business owners will be required to contract and perform all building improvements within six months, or over an approved phasing schedule to be completed by June 1, 2025. Throughout the process, business owners will invoice the Town for work completed, up to the maximum awarded grant.

Criteria to Apply

  • The building must be located within the town limits of Christiansburg, VA.
  • The building must be occupied or in the process of being repaired or upgraded.
  • Property must be zoned as B-1, B-2, B-3, I-1, I-2, MU-1, or MU-2
  • Buildings must be at least 50 years old.
  • Applicant must be a for-profit business owner.
  • If business owner is different from property owner, must have consent of property owner(s).
  • Must be willing, able, commit to, and demonstrate equal match of the grant awards in project investment.

How does the Committee select award winners?

The Façade Grant Program selection committee will score applications based these categories:

  • Exemplary architectural design that utilizes high levels of materials and finishes and provides unique features not commonly found in Town.
  • Impact and visibility of the project to its surroundings.
  • The owner or agent of the subject property is making other substantial investment.
  • The use of the subject property meets one of the goals outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, or other planning documents, such as the 2016 Urban Development Areas Report.
  • Identified historical significance to the community.
  • Prioritization will be given to properties that have not received previous façade awards.

What type of work can be done with the grant?

* Items with an asterisk will require an artist’s rendering to be approved by the Façade Grant Committee.

We request all applicants to submit a sketch of the proposed work with the application.

  • Stabilization of the façade of buildings fronting on eligible streets. *
  • Removal of historically inconsistent materials from facades, such as wooden board, plywood, vinyl, siding, and replacement windows, if restoring original details underneath, such as transom windows. *
  • Restoration of original windows, replacement of windows with period-correct versions, reopening of bricked-up windows. *
  • Repair, restoration, or replacement of period correct architectural details such as cornices, dormers, doors, lintels, window pediments, columns, and similar details deemed to be contributing to the character of the building. *
  • Painting in historic or period colors.
  • Restoration of historic painted signage.
  • Hardscaping/Landscaping improvements in area between front of the building and the public street.

How can I learn more?

Contact the Town of Christiansburg’s Small Business Solutions Manager, Amanda Hebert at (540) 382-6128, ext. 1131 or ahebert@christiansburg.org.

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