Blacksburg: Conditional Use Permit

Blacksburg: Conditional Use Permit 2Conditional Use Permit for Hotel Use and Additional Height: 501 South Main Street

CUP 23-0003- Conditional Use Permit Request for hotel use and additional height in the Downtown Commercial DC zoning district at 501 South Main Street (Tax Map No. 257-A 94C) by Balzer and Associates for Midtown Redevelopment Partners, LLC

The Blacksburg Planning and Building Department has received a Conditional Use Permit request for hotel use and increased height above 60 feet in the Midtown Development at 501 South Main Street. The request is for a 155-room hotel in the Downtown Commercial (DC) zoning district. The Conditional Use Permit for hotel use and additional height is for an AC Hotel by Marriott, and is proposed to be located on the parcel known as Midtown DC Parcel 2. The proposed development fronts on South Main Street. The height of the building is proposed to be a maximum of 75 feet which is greater than the maximum 60 feet permitted in the DC zoning district thus a Conditional Use Permit must be granted per §3141 (c) of the Blacksburg Zoning Ordinance. A Hotel/Motel use is permitted as a CUP in the DC zoning district per §3141 (b). The Future Land Use (FLU) is Downtown Commercial. The proposed use is consistent with the FLU designation.

The following meetings have been scheduled to consider this application:

Neighborhood Meeting: Thursday, April 6, 2023; 6:00 pm; Blacksburg Motor Company building at 400 South Main Street.

Planning Commission Work Session: April 18, 2023; 5:00 pm; Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal building, 300 South Main Street.

Planning Commission Public Hearing: May 2, 2023; 6:30 pm; Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal building, 300 South Main Street.

Please visit for more information or contact the Planning and Building Department at 540-443-1300.

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