$3.7 Million in Virginia Grants

$3.7 Million in Virginia Grants 4Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today more than $3.7 million in Growth and Opportunity for Virginia (GO Virginia) grant awards for 11 projects designed to empower workforce development, bolster startup ecosystems and promote economic growth in the Commonwealth. These initiatives will play a pivotal role in nurturing skilled talent, fostering entrepreneurial ventures and bridging the gap between job seekers and employment opportunities.

“Today’s announcement underscores our unwavering commitment to stimulating economic growth and expanding opportunities across our Commonwealth,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “By investing in talent, bolstering entrepreneurial innovation and cultivating the conditions for startup success, we are actively shaping the future of our workforce and positioning Virginia as a hub for innovation and opportunity.”

The GO Virginia program advances regional economic growth and diversification by enabling cooperative projects that taps into workforce enhancement, cluster expansion, innovative business initiatives and site development.

“The GO Virginia program is at the forefront of driving regional economic growth and diversification by fostering collaborative projects that harness the potential of workforce development and startup ecosystems,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick.

In addition to the awarded GO Virginia funding, the 11 awarded projects will leverage an additional $2.5 million in local and non-state funding.

“Congratulations to the regional councils and the awardees. GO Virginia is committed to the economic success of every region of the Commonwealth, and these projects demonstrate how focused strategy and regional collaboration create an ecosystem where industries, communities and individuals can thrive,” said chair of the GO Virginia State Board Nancy Howell Agee.

Since the program’s inception in 2017, GO Virginia has funded 277 projects and awarded approximately $114 million to support regional economic development efforts.

To learn more about the GO Virginia program, visit dhcd.virginia.gov/gova.


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