Community Auditions for “Our Town”

Community Auditions for "Our Town" 4The Virginia Tech/Town of Blacksburg Summer Arts Festival Presents “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder. “Our Town” depicts daily life in a small town, Grover’s Corners. The piece is metatheatrical — narrated by a character called the Stage Manager, and performed with minimal props and sets. While the play takes place in a small town in the early part of the 20th century, its musings on everyday life, love, and loss resonate today. The themes of home and community will be the focus of our production.

The year 2022 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of playwright Thornton Wilder. Our production will be one of many mounted across the country and around the globe in celebration of Wilder.

Rehearsals will begin June 15 and will typically be held Monday-Thursday between the hours of 6:30-10pm, on Saturday afternoons, and select Friday evenings. We will perform the show on July 16 (evening), July 17 (matinee), and July 18 (evening) in Theatre 101 at Virginia Tech.

We are seeking interested students, faculty, staff, and community members!

Cast Size: 13-17 actors*

Actors of all gender presentation/identities and ages are encouraged to audition.

*Some performers will play multiple roles.

When will auditions be held?
Audition: Monday, May 16 6pm-10pm
Callbacks: Tuesday, May 17, 6pm-10pm
*If you are unable to attend the May 16 audition, please contact Zed Mohr to arrange an alternative audition time.

Where will auditions be held?
Theatre 101, 200 College Avenue, Blacksburg

What do I need to prepare for my audition?
For your audition, please prepare a 1-2 minute monologue. The monologue does not have to be memorized and may be a short poem or story. Cold readings from the play will be provided at the audition.

How do I sign up for an audition time?
To sign up for an audition, please complete the online form at

What if I have questions about the audition or the show?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the show’s director: Amanda Nelson or stage manager/assistant production manager, Zed Mohr

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