8/26: LLI Fall Registration Opens

8/26: LLI Fall Registration OpensFall registration for LLI at Virginia Tech opens August 26 at 10:00
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Tech is starting its tenth year. Each term is a new adventure – new courses, new learning opportunities with favorite instructors, new wines to taste, new books to read, new places to go. The LLI fall term is filled with enticing choices!
Join the Fall Preview webinar on Tuesday, August 20, 10:00-11:30 to hear about courses, field trips, special 10th anniversary events, and free lectures.
Online and phone registration open at 10:00 a.m., Monday, August 26. Many courses fill up quickly, so sign up early.
For more information, visit our website https://www.cpe.vt.edu/lifelonglearning/, call 540-231-1725, or email lifelonglearning@vt.edu.”
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