$213,204 NIST Grant for Automated Driving Systems

3,204 NIST Grant for Automated Driving SystemsThe U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded a $213,204 grant to Virginia Tech. The funds awarded will go towards a project developing Automated Driving Systems (ADS) measurement techniques. U.S. Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement:

“According to Forbes, there were more than 278 million personal and commercial vehicles registered to drivers in the U.S. in 2022.

“This $213,204 grant helps Virginia Tech continue to evaluate ADS technologies and give insight on improvements to transportation safety.”


The purpose of this grant is to develop methods for measuring the performance of ADS in collaboration with the NIST SERI funded project On-Road Vehicles Measurement Science.

This NIST-funded project will involve simulation models and environments. U.S. automakers and technology companies will benefit from the project’s findings.

New input on these technologies will also benefit future consumers who drive vehicles.

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